
Showing posts from October, 2017

Make it a Holiday!

       Tuesday? Is election day really on a Tuesday? At least make election day a holiday if we are going to make election day a Tuesday. But honestly, why on earth is the biggest decision Americans will collectively make made on a Tuesday?            Actually, the reason for voting on Tuesday is helpful to the American people. Well, at least the American people of 1845. Last time I looked at the calendar I read 2017. In 1845 the country was, for the most part, an agricultural society. It took many farmers a full day to travel by horse-drawn buggies to the county seat to vote. Also, the Biblical Sabbath and market day in most towns were on a Wednesday. Because of these factors, the easiest day for people to vote in 1845 was a Tuesday.        But the easiest day to vote in 2017 is definitely not on Tuesday. Tuesday voting has led to a chronically low voting turnout. According to NPR , there is "data showing that 1 in 4 people says he's too busy or his schedule doesn't a

Protected speech

       In the opinion article Is taking a knee protected speech?  by Judge Andrew Napolitanos of Fox News, Napolitanos argues that "we are free to respect the flag and shun those who do not, but we may not harm a hair on their heads. In the final paragraph he quotes the french philosopher  Voltaire, who when faced with people who had literally lost their minds, said,"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."         Judge Andrews Napolitanos joined the fox news channel in January 1988 and currently serves as the senior judicial analyst. He is also the youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge in the history of the State of New Jersey. Because of this he has a strong knowledge of the laws of the country and the rights of the people. His intended audience gears toward people who are questioning the protests and if they are protected. He is very qualified for this article and gives a strong opinion.        There is no questio

Are we Worshiping our guns?

       In the opinion article written by  James Ragland, Columnist/Editorial Writer  for the Dallas Morning news, Mr. Ragland poses the idea to congress and the American people that we are worshiping our guns far to much and thus feeding the fire toward gun violence.         In his article in the  Dallas Morning News  titled "If guns aren't the problem, than its us and how we worship them", Ragland argues that our country has become far to violent to own multiple guns.  He is not saying that we should not totally avoid guns, or that people can not own guns. But he believes that collecting 49 guns should not be a thing, unless you're a certified gun collector. According to him, i t is not necessary to completely abolish the gun law, but we do not need to worship these guns. The American people on average, own more than every other country in the world. In fact, we have 5% of the worlds population but more than 40% of all civilian owned guns, according to the VOX.