Are we Worshiping our guns?

       In the opinion article written by James Ragland, Columnist/Editorial Writer for the Dallas Morning news, Mr. Ragland poses the idea to congress and the American people that we are worshiping our guns far to much and thus feeding the fire toward gun violence. 
       In his article in the Dallas Morning News titled "If guns aren't the problem, than its us and how we worship them", Ragland argues that our country has become far to violent to own multiple guns. He is not saying that we should not totally avoid guns, or that people can not own guns. But he believes that collecting 49 guns should not be a thing, unless you're a certified gun collector. According to him, it is not necessary to completely abolish the gun law, but we do not need to worship these guns. The American people on average, own more than every other country in the world. In fact, we have 5% of the worlds population but more than 40% of all civilian owned guns, according to the VOX. 
       I understand that he feels we are worshiping our guns. There is no question that our country is very materialistic. But is worshiping our guns really the reason for gun violence? And is it true that our country needs a concealed carry law because we do not trust each other? Ragland wishes that our country would be at a point where we could fully trust each other. But realistically, not every person is to be trusted. Its a broken world. It only takes one person with one gun to take action. Limiting the amount we worship our guns will not make a difference. There is nothing wrong with a person collecting guns. A materialistic culture does not lead to a person wanting to cause mass chaos. Also, having concealed carry laws does not mean that we do not trust each other. Instead, it provides safety to each other that is much needed.


  1. Your commentary is very throughly thought about as you state what the article is, along with the article its self, some statistics, and then your opinions/concerns about it. Good job with keeping it short, sweet and to the point!

    I also agree with you, I do also believe that being materialistic is not the problem here, actually, it's super irrelevant to the real issue. Although I personally think there are far better things to waste money on; Worshipping guns is not the issue...

    Do you think perhaps Ragland could have been talking about worshiping guns in a way that Americans feel like "this is the land of the free and god dammit, I have the right to guns to protect my land and family?" (jokes... thought i'd thow a little humor in)... In other words, they worship the fact that they, by law, can own guns and no one can take that away from them...

    Figuratively speaking, I wanted to ask you how you if you could trust your neighbor, whom has been hospitalized for attempted suicided twice and has one of his many personalities that is violently impulsive?

    I honestly feel more unsafe that we can all walk around with guns freely (concealed of course).The fact that felons, ex convicts and mentally unstable people can buy guns is terrifying!


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