Why is this being discussed? (Blog stage 7)

       There is no question that Donald Trump is not the most likeable person of all time. He has said many things without thinking that fall in line with racism and complete disrespect towards women. While it is not at all ideal to have a president who talks in this manner, the discussion of impeachment does not need to be brought up. Under what argument would we be able to impeach Donald Trump? His bad comments and loose tongue are not enough to impeach him. A person cannot be impeached just because you don't like him. In order for a president to be impeached, a president must commit treason, bribery, high crimes or misdemeanors. I decided to take a look at the arguments that people are giving to impeach Trump, as well as the consequences and benefits that would come along with his impeachment.
       The arguments for Trump's impeachment are mainly based on people not liking certain decisions he makes and the vulgar and mindless things he says. But that does not seem to fall in line with the requirements for treason, bribery, or high crimes needed to impeach someone. I could not find any reason for his impeachment. Also, the House of Representatives is controlled by the Republicans 238 to 193, and the Senate 52 to 46.  Even with a giant mistake by Trump, it would be really difficult to impeach him based on those numbers.
       Classmate Mona Jeizan believes that President Trump should be removed from office for illegally firing former officials of the government James Comey and Sally Yates. However, it is a stretch that the House and the Senate would see those as “real crimes”. Mona Jeizan understands this as well.
       Lauren Peterson, another classmate of mine, found an article which covered in detail reasons that Trump should be impeached. She posted this in her stage 3 participation topic. The argument stated that Trump is a bully who is abusing his power. However, even if Trump is a bully abusing his power or not, it does not matter in terms of impeachment. A person cannot be impeached because we do not like his persona. That is why we vote every 4 years and why there is a term limit. It is better for people who want Trump out to instead focus on finding a leader who will better satisfy their wants 3 years from now.
       If Trump is impeached, the question is would Mike Pence be more effective in leading our country? And if things get really crazy, would Paul Ryan, or Orin Hatch be better leaders for our nation? Hopefully, we do not get that far. That would be a disaster. But how would Pence better satisfy the People who want Trump out of office? People who understandably want Trump out would like Mike Pence in. Mike Pence would be slightly more likable in terms of persona and perception, which is not saying much. However, many people view him as a soft, sensitive and weak person to lead the country.
       In conclusion, I am surprised that this topic needs to be discussed. The U.S. government has put in place articles of impeachment and term limits for presidents. In my opinion, I am thankful that we are able to vote in leaders and possibly impeach them. However, because we are able to vote, there will be times when the person we vote for will not win. This is something we must accept. We also must accept that President Trump will not be impeached unless he does something so big, blatant, obvious and out in the open that there is hardly any way to defend him.


  1. I find your reasoning intriguing. I agree with your reasoning. As much as I would love to see Trump impeached, there is not sufficient evidence that he has done anything that would warrant an impeachment. I agree when you say that we cannot simply want to impeach Trump just for the fact that we do not like him.
    People always jump at the chance to talk about impeaching Trump, but I doubt they take the time to think about who would take over office if it actually did happen. I personally do not think that we would be better off with Pence or Ryan as president.


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