Commentary on Sarah's Original commentary #1 (Blog stage 6)

       In Sarah Banks' interesting & intellectual perspective on u.s. government blog, her stage 5 commentary covers the controversy of the NFL national anthem protests. The assignment was to write an original editorial or commentary about U.S. national government. Sarah's blog seemed to focus on two subjects. She clearly made commentary toward the US people by telling us to not lose sight of the great freedom we have been given to free speech. Her second focus was commenting briefly on the U.S. national government, saying, "The First Amendment might seem like a curse at times, but it's a blessing that defines who we are as Americans. It makes America different than any other country in the world and we can thank our founding fathers for that."
       While the assignment was to write a commentary on the U.S. national government, this blog focused more on reminding people why we should be thankful that players can take a knee during the anthem. However, Sarah does speak about the U.S. national government by telling us about how lucky we are to have protection from the first amendment. Sarah does an excellent job of writing to an audience of people who have forgotten the blessing of free speech, while not losing sight of the assignment. She ties everything in that she said to her audience by connecting it with the blessing that the first amendment gives us. She stated her point clearly and her blog gives us a good and necessary reminder.
       In my opinion, it seems that the American people as a whole have become far to easily offended and cannot handle confrontation or controversy very well. When a huge blessing such as free speech is given to us, it is necessary to realize that not everything that people use free speech for will agree with your own beliefs. It seems that people are often very focused on being right and stubborn, rather than listening and learning and searching out the truth. Instead of being willing to search for what is true in a situation, it seems that people often search for what fits with their beliefs and what is easy and uncontroversial. Sarah does a good job of reminding us that "the First Amendment gives Americans the right to express themselves that could result in incarceration and even execution in other countries."
       While the actions of NFL players might turn your head and surprise you, reacting with extreme offense and anger is not necessarily the best solution. There is no doubt that respecting the flag and the ones who fought for us is important in my opinion. However, there are many players that are protesting who also believe this as well. The point that players are trying to get across is making people aware of the racism in the U.S. . In my opinion, I wish that players would protest in a different manner. But, as crazy as the protest methods might be, it is important to be thankful that we are allowed to protest and voice our opinions in this way.
       Sarah does an excellent job of speaking to a certain audience while making her personal comments on the American national government and the good that the constitution brings. Her opinion is well stated and I agree with her view that we should take the good with the bad and be thankful for what freedom of speech gives us.



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